On Saturday 15 March international pianist Martin Roscoe gave a master-class on behalf of Cockermouth Music Society at the United Reformed Church. Out of nineteen applicants, nine young pianists, ranging in age from 10 to 17, were asked to play. Martin was very impressed by their standard of performance. So were the audience, who were fascinated to hear them make remarkable progress in the space of the fifteen minutes which each of them had under Martin’s sensitive and inspiring guidance. The event was non-competitive, but the most promising pianist received a bursary of £100, thanks to support from Cumbria County Council.
It’s hoped that the master-class will become an annual event. At the next one, participants will be able to play on the Society’s new Steinway B
piano, due to be delivered in early September. The buying of this has been possible thanks to a generous grant from the Arts Council of Great Britain, fundraising by the Society, and grants from local donors, including the Times and Star.