All concerts are open to the public. Children (up to 18 years) and students (showing their SU card) are admitted Free (but please ensure you inform the Concert Secretary so that a seat is available).
Tickets for all concerts are usually available from Billy Bowman Music, Lowther Went two weeks before the concert (personal shoppers only) or from the Membership Secretary (send your request plus a cheque made payable to Cockermouth Music Society with s.a.e. to the Membership Secretary, 10 Mayo Street, Cockermouth, Cumbria CA13 0BY).
To reserve a ticket for collection/payment at the door, please contact the Membership Secretary or Concert Secretary using the details below. NOTE: Tickets must be collected and paid for (cash or cheque only) half an hour before the concert starts, otherwise we reserve the right to sell them on to other concert goers.
Members of Cockermouth Music Society are entitled to a number of benefits including a reduced admission charge and regular newsletters.
Subscription Membership cards cost £100 per person (giving membership plus access to all seven professional concerts, members’ and young people’s concerts).
Ordinary membership cards cost £15 per person (giving membership plus reduced ticket prices).
Single concert tickets: Ordinary members £15
Non-members £20
Members’ and Young People’s Concerts: Members and children Free
Others £5
Subscription Members of the Cockermouth, Carlisle, Keswick and Penrith music societies have a reciprocal agreement whereby they can purchase a ticket at a discount (usually £5) on the full ticket price, when they show their society membership card on entrance to the other society’s concert. Please check the appropriate society website for confirmation of the discount plus concert details and venues.